Jun 30, 2008

The Beard

So while we went on vacation a few weeks ago, Ned grew out his beard a bit, but I think he had more fun while making new creations while cutting it off....here's a few:
Also we took my parents to Mimi's Cafe (pre beard cut) for belated fathers day and early B-day for my madre. So this is my nephew Ryan with 2 of his favorite guys...his Boppy (my dad) and his Uncle Ned.

Jun 27, 2008

Family Feud Gang @ Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles

Yes, you read the title right...my sister got us together to audition for Family Feud in L.A. So we got on and totally lost the show, but had fun! (Remember CLUB SAUCE & Jimmy Durante).
But onaudition day we ate at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles (which was the first time for most the people in our party) and everyone loved it! Yum! Yum!

Jun 25, 2008

ZION's National Park

We just spent the week in Zion's National Park with my side of the family…
One day we left the kids in St. George with my sis-in-law and hiked the Narrows and then did a couple of other smaller hikes while we camped in the park. Ned, Wes, Danny, & my mom also hiked Angels landing, I didn’t attempt it due to my fear of heights AND being 7 months pregnant doesn’t help either. But all in all, despite the heat, we had a great time!

Jun 15, 2008

Ned Graduates with his Masters...YIPPEE!!!!!!

Karen, Ned, & ScottGranny
John, Ned, & Annette
THE Broberg Family

Right after Ned's graduation on Sat. Ella saw him for the first time with his cap on she said, "Daddy are you a pirate?" Her latest thing is Pirates, so she thought the cap and gown was a pirate costume...

He graduated with a masters degree in Psychology, emphasis is Family & Marriage Therapy. That day I threw a surprise party for him...of course he was surprised because he never suspects anything or asks questions, so it was a fun surprise. He was the 2nd person of the ENTIRE graduation to walk to get his diploma, so he ducked out early, we took some pictures and we had a very enjoyable night. We are so proud of him and very happy he is done!

Jun 6, 2008

ELLA's 2nd Birthday Party!

We just did a casual BBQ/swim party for Ella at my parent’s house. We also had a piñata and water balloon fight. I was burnt out at the end of the day (being prego and all) and Ella also got burnt (actually burnt), she had never been in the sun that long and unfortunately she has her mommy and daddy's skin tone (get ready for freckles too)...
Aunt April and a few kids...

Disneyland Days...