Ok so Ned and I have been cleaning out the house (making extra room for baby...) and yes we went through some pictures as well! I about died when I found these pictures and can’t believe I am actually blogging them (for my sake) but just thought it was too great, remembering these days, not to blog them.
Jileen, Jennifer, and Jamie will remember well our Hawaii trip. Our drill team (dance, pep squad) in Jr. High performed at the Aloha Bowl one winter. We were either 7th or 8th graders. So we were gone for Christmas and went to Hawaii to perform and have fun in Hawaii. We thought we were SO COOL (as you can see we weren’t) posing with the football players, and dressing much older than we thought we were. Still I just think it’s hilarious. Especially since I have been friends with these girls since 6th grade (or longer...) and we are all still friends today. Anyway this ones for you girls!