Feb 10, 2008

Hiking in Chino Hills State Park

Pioneer Hat

On Sat. the 9th, Ned looked up a fun little day hike for us. My mom came along and we had a great day and enjoyed beautiful weather. When we first arrived we originally (and not deliberately) took a slight detour on the wrong trail...so we ended up trying to catch our original trail (which we never did find) but went off trail to a pretty little picnic spot under a tree, it was SO WONDERFUL, straight out of a movie. We enjoyed lunch, and even experienced something we never had before, a “huge” swarm of bees came right over our heads, buzzing and creating a dark sky. It was actually pretty creepy, but a unique experience.

We then did go back to the start of the trail and completed our original 3-mile moderate loop hike (in the Orange County park of Chino Hills State Park). And poor Ned ended up carrying Ella most of the way. She loved to hike, but every time we put her down she just wanted to stay where she was to explore, which is a good thing, but it would have taken us a VERY long time to complete the hike had we let her continue her exploring.


  1. Apparently you have sun AND warmth there. We can't be friends.

  2. check out the dorky pic of ella in that funny outfit on my blog. she looks so tunky

  3. I just saw a comment from you guys on my husband's cousin Jodi's blog (boy, that was a mouthful). Mormondom is sure a small, interconnected world. Congrats on baby #2!

    P.S. I'm the Sorensons' daughter.

  4. wow, looks like an excellent day! we didn't do anything at all on saturday (which was kinda nice too)

  5. FUN-NESS (as Hannah says)!
    I love the hiking in the pioneer hat...hannah had a blue one, and i have pics of her hiking, very similar...seeing her made me a little nostalgic, now, i'm going to have to go find those pics and scrap 'em!
    3miles +...good thing for strong daddies!

  6. Heidi,

    I found your little blog through April. Its good to see that you and your family are doing well.

  7. Good call. I don't remember any of my kids reminiscing about work on Saturday, not that they don't need to do it, but this is the things fond, family memories are made of.

  8. Looks fun, I'm pretty envious because we've been snowed in for so long

  9. Congratulations on being prego again! Can't wait to see you in Yosemite!

  10. Hey, you have way more comments on your blog than I get! Probably because you take such beautiful pictures, like these ones! Ella is so bella.
