The JOY.....

and the flush.....

we flushed our first goldfish. We went to the Orange County Fair with my parents and Ella had a blast. She won 2 stuffed animals, AND TWO goldfish (with a little aquarium, so as you can imagine, as any 2 year old would be, she was thrilled!!! She named them Dora & Boots (her obsession as of late). Well we are proud to say that Dora (the gold fish) is still alive n' kicking...but Boots only made it two days. Daddy tried to sneak him out (after we found him floating belly up) but Ella was insitant on knowing what he was doing. And we tried to hide it from her, but she kept asking "WHERE IS BOOTS" "WHERE IS THE OTHER FISHY" She noticed and there wasnt much we could do, so we explained FISHY HEAVEN, which she now talks about daily.
So this blog is in memory of the grey goldfish BOOTS!