Mar 3, 2009

John's Incredible is Incredible

Boppie, Nana & Ella (with her sticker chart)

Asher with his Pirate patch (not loving it so much)
Ryan & Ella (they also think they are bro. & sis) Uncle Wesy & a huge hug
I told Ella to hold up her chart (I didnt, however mean perfectly in front of her face)

So Ella got a lil' chore chair: brush her teeth, to bed without crying, cleaning up, helping with Asher, etc... So she finally got the stickers filled up so we took her to John's Incredible Pizza, not the greatest, but all you can eat Pizza buffet (any type of pizza, including PEANUT BUTTER PIZZA...yum...actually its YUCK! but if you want it you got it!). They have games, and a play area for younger kids, or whimpy kids, like Ella.
But most importantly we had family...ELLA LOVES HER FAMILY (on both and all sides) but this night she got to spend with my family (Todd side) and she was so so excited about that.


So I love Ranch...but I have never met anyone in my life who loves Ranch as much as my daughter Ella. So we gave her some veggies one day to dip her ranch in, or should I say we gave her ranch to dip veggies in...and this is what I found.

And she was honestly so into DRINKING HER RANCH that she didn't even notice I was taking pictures, until it started dripping down her shirt, so I took it away and told her to look at what she was I thought these pictures were classic, because you can tell she didn't actually realize only 1/2 was getting into her mouth.

I love that she is standing on the chair, and doing the doggy lick in the first picture.