So Ella started preschool a few weeks ago and LOVES it! I think she (and we needed it). She loves to be busy and active. She even got homework, which she thought was "cool" imagine that! Her first day Aunt April, her Boppie, and her cousin Ryan (only by coincidence) were all there that morning to wish her luck, she thought that was excellent. We also took pictures her first two days (Tues. & Thursday) and now she always thinks she has to take a picture everyday. So before we leave she always tells me or my sister, WAIT we didn't take the picture yet. So we usually just pretend and then are on our way. Can you tell she likes to pose.
Sep 28, 2009
Sep 23, 2009
HELP...ADVICE for the needy
Help!? Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. I don't ask for help/advice often (if ever) but I am at a total loss here.
Ella (my 3 yr. old) has ALWAYS slept perfectly through the night...just recently in the last month or so she is NOT SLEEPING! She fights going to bed like nothing I have ever seen. And then she is waking up about 10 times a night. 8-10 up and not sleeping. Then up again at 12, 2, 4, 6...we are not sleeping, it is worse than a newborn. She has had her big girl bed since January and has done fine. We have a very "routine" night (bath, show, books, teeth, prayer, bed). we try talking (reasoning with her, doesnt help). She is such a busy body (hmmm...where did she get that from) and its hard for her to calm down...naps are basically non-existent in our home as well.
So we have tried nightlights, no lights. Door closed/door open. Special sleeping toys, body pillow. Spray bottle for if she is scared. Black mail, being sweet, etc. we are told NOT to sleep with her or let her sleep with us (and we saw that on Nanny 911) and we have tried many other things. We just don't know what to do. Has anyone else gone through this. Any suggestions, we are willing to try anything. We are getting close to benadryl just so we can get some peace and sleep (we are exhausted!), but haven't gone to that extreme just yet. HELP?! (excuse the spelling please...)
My cute little pill...
Ella (my 3 yr. old) has ALWAYS slept perfectly through the night...just recently in the last month or so she is NOT SLEEPING! She fights going to bed like nothing I have ever seen. And then she is waking up about 10 times a night. 8-10 up and not sleeping. Then up again at 12, 2, 4, 6...we are not sleeping, it is worse than a newborn. She has had her big girl bed since January and has done fine. We have a very "routine" night (bath, show, books, teeth, prayer, bed). we try talking (reasoning with her, doesnt help). She is such a busy body (hmmm...where did she get that from) and its hard for her to calm down...naps are basically non-existent in our home as well.
So we have tried nightlights, no lights. Door closed/door open. Special sleeping toys, body pillow. Spray bottle for if she is scared. Black mail, being sweet, etc. we are told NOT to sleep with her or let her sleep with us (and we saw that on Nanny 911) and we have tried many other things. We just don't know what to do. Has anyone else gone through this. Any suggestions, we are willing to try anything. We are getting close to benadryl just so we can get some peace and sleep (we are exhausted!), but haven't gone to that extreme just yet. HELP?! (excuse the spelling please...)
My cute little pill...
Sep 13, 2009
The "Diaper Dash" disaster and the face of determination
So Ella & Asher both ran (or crawled) in their first race. Many people know my father in-law is an avid marathon (YES, full marathon runner 26.2) and does a couple a year. I have ran ONE full marathon, and for years have done other smaller races (5k/10k/half's). So anyway my family often gets together to run a 5k or other races.

Here is Ella preping for her first race:

The kids cheering on NANA (the only adult to run the 5k this year)....sorry mom!

This is also about the one time a year I get to reunite with my good friend, Brandy, from college that I played soccer with from up north.
But one of my favorites is the Disneyland race. They have a 1/2 marathon (which is on Sunday, so I have never done it) and a 5k and KIDS this is the first year I put my kids in the races.
Here is Ella preping for her first race:
And here she is running...look at her determined face (you think she might end up a bit competitive like her mom)...and a big thanks to Uncle Wesey and Aunt Apey for acutally running the WHOLE 100 meters with her (Ned was off hunting that day).
and the medal she was SO proud of (for $10 they get a shirt, to run, a medal, AND finish to the characters welcoming them in)...
And then there was the DIAPER DASH! So Asher is ready to walk any day (he can take about 4 steps on his own) so he can crawl like its nobody's business. So we were so exicited to put him in the diaper dash, where they crawl like 5 pads away to their mom). So we thought Asher was going to WORK the competition, especially when we saw him in his start position, like this:
The kids cheering on NANA (the only adult to run the 5k this year)....sorry mom!
This is also about the one time a year I get to reunite with my good friend, Brandy, from college that I played soccer with from up north.
Sep 7, 2009
So for those who know me well you know I am a very santitary person. I like my house to be uncontaimated and this poses a problem, a 1 yr. old and 3 yr. old...hmmm

But it is an unwritten law that for your ONE YEAR old birthday you have to enjoy a messy birthday cake. In fact isnt there always wagers on if the kid will eat the cake elegantly or tear it like Marie Antoinette I decided to LET THEM EAT CAKE (and just in case you are a history buff, or watch history shows in your spare time, like me, you will know its not actually proven that she really said that) ...
Anyway I decided to put them in the tub (yes, it was sterilized) and I LET THEM EAT CAKE...and the results are in...
I think this is when he realized he liked it....

...then he dug in...
We then got some foot action
After standing up and realizing he got frosting on the edge of the tub he began rubbing his hands on the edge and then started sucking the edge of the tub...YUM

When they started slipping and falling on frosting, I decided it was probably time to clean up and finish...
This was the end result
Sep 3, 2009
I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
With a sense of self relief AND exhaustion I have accomplished something I have always wanted to attempt. And with that I have TONS of plum jam and freshly canned peaches. I felt so accomplished when I finished and felt like my Mormon Pioneer Ancestors (and remember my Grandma doing it all the time too). With that being said, as far as the jam (which is delicious, if I may say so myself) I think that is a check off the list (not something I would probably do again). Biggest complaint...HEAT...tons of pots boiling water in the the dead heat of summer...YUCK! The peaches on the other hand were pretty easy and they are worth the effort for the yummy taste of fresh peaches all year. So I apologize in advance for the bragging and self celebration (especially to all those who do this regularly and its easy) I am not the "pure" homemaker I am proud of myself, Ned was proud too and took all these pictures of me...ha ha ha...
And if you want a jar of plum jam stop by and we still have plenty (after giving them to all our co-workers, neighbors, church friends, family, etc.).
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