He is sooo cute!!! My son needs to wear a helmet all the time!!
logan went through a helmet phrase. So cute!
Hey my kid loves helmets too! After always wanting to wear his dad's helmet, we broke down and bought him his very own, and he LOVES it!!
4Colby went through a helmet phase right before his stroke. Course he was also always with a skateboard in hand. Sigh.... I miss those days. He looks special in a I'm so cute I'm special way.
He is sooo cute!!! My son needs to wear a helmet all the time!!
ReplyDeletelogan went through a helmet phrase. So cute!
ReplyDeleteHey my kid loves helmets too! After always wanting to wear his dad's helmet, we broke down and bought him his very own, and he LOVES it!!
ReplyDeleteColby went through a helmet phase right before his stroke. Course he was also always with a skateboard in hand. Sigh.... I miss those days. He looks special in a I'm so cute I'm special way.