So yesterday we had our appointment with
Loma Linda Medical for Tate's pediatric cardiology appointment. Thus far we had been at
Rady Children's Hospital running tests and our next step was a sedated echo (I was nervous about the sedation) but we wanted to try to change over to L.L. since we knew it wasn't as urgent as first assumed and it was closer to home.
So by myself with the 3 kids I attempted to attend what I thought was just an intake appointment. But I was actually happy when they decided to just run ALL his tests that day to see what was going on, I wanted this, so was pleased. So I did the EKG, x-rays, etc. by myself with the 3 kids and it got a
lot little crazy.
Asher putting a penny in Tate's mouth, was the straw that broke the camel's back.
So Ned rushed out early from work (which he really couldn't do) but my knight in shinning armor always comes through when I need him. So he was there in no time to take the 2 rascals while I was able to stay with Tate while they performed his Echo. (Which they did NOT sedate him for). They said they would try it without sedation first and see how he did and only if he screamed too hard then they would sedate. I was SO happy at this point. Getting this test done, no sedation, and Ned had the big kids! Maybe Tate could sense my happiness because he was AWESOME!
He was just happy as a clam!
Seriously the only issue we had with him moving was because he was laughing and talking and smiling SO much! He was just chatting it up with the tech and she LOVED him and just kept commenting on how cute and good he was and how she wanted to take him home!
So diagnosis is:
Technical Information: Pulmonary valve stenosis is a heart valve disorder in which outflow of blood from the right ventricle of the heart is obstructed at the level of the pulmonic valve. This results in the reduction of flow of blood to the lungs. Valvular pulmonic stenosis accounts for 80% of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
Lame Man Explanation: the tissue/flap allowing blood through is VERY thick on one side so the blood has to work extra hard to push through that "gate" (thus causing the heart murmur or sound the doctors hear). It will not get "better" but typically in his mild case his body will catch up with it and no future issues. Worse case scenario is it will get worse and he would need invasive surgery to expand or repair (but only a 2% case that it would get worse).
from our doctor |
So from here...we go back to the doctor in 6 months to do the tests all over again to see how he is progressing. If normal (or no changes) then again in a year. If normal again after a few years we can start about every 2 years for life. But no impairment on his future activities, heart issues, etc.
Glad to know all this and blessed to be where we are today!