Nov 29, 2012

LOOK I can cut my own hair (video)

The week before Thanksgiving I went to a baby shower. While I was gone Ned had all 3 kids.  He was bathing Tate when suddenly:

Asher walked in the room with a pair of scissors in one hand and a huge tuft of hair in the other hand. He said, "Dad look I can cut my own hair now."  

Ugh, so Ned tried to repair the hair, but if you have noticed any of the pictures I have posted lately of Asher, they do NOT include hair. He ended up having to shave it all the way to a 1. Asher was less than happy about that, but then maybe he will learn his lesson.

So Ned took a video of him to send to me, which I thought was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing at how pathetic Mr. Asher sounded.  Turn it up (he is quietly pathetic) and its short.  Enjoy.

This is what he looked like BEFORE:
Missionary Style
Faux Hawk (his favorite) style

1 comment:

  1. I just remember when my little sister did that to her bangs. At least you can shave it off and start over with the little guy. What a sweetie.
