The countdown is ON. To say the least! The tears are coming more frequently, the exhaustion is setting in, sleepless nights are HERE (to stay for a while too) and this baby cannot come soon enough...
Because I have had c-sections with all of my babies I know my date already, 3 weeks from TODAY, February 6th at 7:30am, IF I don't go into labor earlier (I feel like I just might, I was over 2 weeks early with Ella).
At this point I honestly would almost rather go into labor, I am not one of those that wants that bun in the oven for as long as possible and enjoys it. I kinda feel like an alien lives in me and sucks the life from every ounce of energy from my body (ha ha totally just thought of Twilight) but really how I feel sometimes. SUPER bad analogy but you get the point (yes I read those darn books a few years after all the hype, I had to know).
You would also think that with this being baby and c-section number 4 that it wouldn't be a big deal for me anymore, but oh contraire. I am scared, nervous, anxious, and ALWAYS dread that darn needle down my spine and feeling the liquid shoot up my neck and down my spine (it's just not normal).
But this time around I think I am most anxious for what's around the corner AFTER baby comes. Having 4 little ones under 7 is a daunting thought. 2 in diapers. 1 not sleeping through the night (2 others that still wake up periodically from nightmares or what have you). Breastfeeding (not an easy task for moi). Baby blues and not leaving the house. And then my hubbie starting a new job just 2 weeks after a c-section surgery and all that madness above...YIKES! I'm shuddering now just thinking about it all. I am a worrier, I know it, I hate it, but it is life. So I am just trying to prepare and stay busy. I have planned lots the next few weeks with girlfriends, family, and things to do in order to keep my mind off things and to be ready, but that is killing me with exhaustion at this point too!
So with all that said I am ready. I am excited and I KNOW he will bring great joy to our home. I am ready for this little MAN to join our family. I want him to get here and just get the show (crazy little show as it may be) on the road.
So let this countdown begin.
Still no belly picture, but I am in a picture (not by choice) with the family from last weekend...
How far along: 37 weeks
Gender: still a little man
Weight gain: I cant go there, I don't feel like I can expand any more, and this is the highest I have gotten with any of my pregnancies (weight watchers here I come)
Maternity clothes: The same pair of Old Navy maternity pants everyday (the only thing that fits comfortably) and as minimal as possible everywhere else.
Stretch marks: Still no thank goodness
Belly button in or out: Out without a doubt
Sleep: Not so good. A few bad days throws me off completely and bathroom breaks at LEAST every 3 hours.
Best moment this week: Getting some of the baby stuff washed and setting up his bassinet. Feeling more real.
Worst moment this week: Emotions and hormones are on a rage this week. It's been one for the record books. Trying to stay busy.
Miss anything: If I am being honest, just standing up (from a sitting position) without effort. Painting my own toenails.
Movement: Not as much rolling, more sharp kicks.
Cravings: Anything edible, but really!
Queasy or sick: Not bad. Think nauseous from the lack of sleep.
Looking forward to: Getting through to next week. Ned will be off work (before his new job). Getting baby stuff done. Starting my pre-op appointments, then having this baby BOY!