Jun 26, 2012

Summer Swimming in Full Swing


Can these pictures tell you how EXCITED I am for teenagers???

Ella Bell also decided that she is suddenly BRAVE (yes we saw the movie already) so she can ride her bike without training wheels, swim without a life jacket, and "surfs".

We just got passes to The COVE water park near my parents house and she shocked me when she said I wanna do that surfing thing (she just turned 6) and I threatened her with "If we wait in this long line you BETTER really do it"  Well she did it and I LOVED the little boys cheering for her in the background with me when she "accidentally" got air and did a few 360's.

My kids are the ones with their heads under water while my friend Kim is laughing at my little fish!
Asher's first day of swim lessons, EVER, can you tell how anxious he looks.

Jun 25, 2012

Baby Boy is 3 months and blessed (literally and figuratively)

Baby boy loves to smile and talk!

Munchable chunky cheeks
Got blessed last month and love my old fashion family blessing outfit.
Here I'm with Aunt Hayley Hamilton!

Ella Bell and Brobee love me lots! 


I cry at Tummy Time, so Mama tries the Bumbo

I sleep pretty good, but always room for improvement!
I'm bald like Daddy and have a cute big round head

Jun 13, 2012

Telling Her Story: Morgan Lee Myers

So I have been debating for some time now wheter I should blog about this or not, it's such a sensitive subject and don't want anything exploited, but I have had so many people asking about Morgan (Ned's cousin who was murdered) and Morgan's sister told me she'd love her story to be told and hopefully we can all learn something from this or perhaps someone else can be helped by doing so.

SO...Morgan is Ned's cousin. His mom's sister Laura's daughter was born May 1981 and was nicknamed "Muggs".  You can read her full obituary here.  To sum it up she was a vibrant and loving person and most especially a doting mother. She loved her children!  And she was a good person who got involved with the wrong person.  Morgan was only 30 when she was fatally stabbed in a Walmart parking lot by her ex after obtaining a restraining order against him a week earlier.  She had apparently left town for a little while (hoping things would calm down) just before this had happened because she was afraid for her life.

This all just brakes my heart knowing how hard that would be to know you are leaving your children...one of the last things she said was, "My poor babies"

Right now family and friends are trying to gain stronger protection order laws.
Here is an explanation of Morgan's Law.

Here is more information as well regarding what happened: Slain woman's family wants stronger protection order laws

Most importantly we are getting signatures on this petition to hopefully help in some cases, we would love if you would sign and help.  So if you felt inclined to sign the petition you can do so at:

Morgan's Law - Victim's Rights for Protection Orders Petition | GoPetition

Jun 4, 2012

Good ole' Ben Franklin

Remember back here when I teased you about the $100 bill we found, well here it is: 
So I have never been one with great luck, but this little girl of mine has so much luck. First I thought she was lucky at John's Incredible Pizza when she won the 100 tickets and then again the 200 tickets. But that had nothing on THIS....
I love Ella telling the story best (see video) but basically what happened is: we were at Chipotle with my in-laws.  After we ate Ned was talking with his dad, his mom had Tate, and I was taking Asher potty.  Ella was wandering and suddenly turned to Ned and said "I found a DOLLAR"!  Ned said that's awesome hardly looking until his eyes bulged out of his head when he realized it had 2 ZEROS after the 1.  When i came out of the bathroom Karen and Ella came running over with undeniable excitement on there faces.

So after waiting to see if anyone came by looking, we explained to the kids that if it was in a wallet or if you knew whose it was it would be important to give it back to them, etc. etc and we still felt a bit guilty. But we KNEW if we walked around asking people if they lost a $100 bill there would have been a lot of people who had. So after waiting a while we decided we'd all go get frozen yogurt (the kids even got their own with whatever toppings they wanted, not customary in our home).

YEAH for lucky little girls!

PS I LOVE the end of this video because Ella is really giving me a hi-5 but it looks like she is slapping her brother for trying to interrupt her story.

What happens when your 6 year old asks to borrow your iPhone in the car

(and this is AFTER I deleted about 30!!)

My favorite (look of dismay)
Actually THIS is my favorite...looks like she got stung by a bee