Dec 15, 2011

Play Dough Cookies...Who Knew

So I was thinking some chocolate chip cookies when Ned told me he had bought some cookie dough from a co-workers kid fundraiser. Well it was actually "play dough" style cookie dough, that is edible. Let me tell you this was probably one of our kids most favorite Family Night Activities we have done in a LONG time. And Ned and I had a good laugh too.  

The kids told us what they wanted to build and we worked together to build them.  We just didn't realize when we cooked them they would be about 5x the size of what we created them at. SO FUN!

This is our ELLA cookie... 

Worm Cookie (my favorite) really cute and the kids did it!

Edible Cookie Play Dough Play Cookie Dough

1 comment:

  1. It looks like it could just be as simple as colored sugar cookie dough. What a great idea!
